Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Basketball season 2013

I don't know what my hang up was, but I did not sign Bryson up for basketball this year. I think football just wore me out! But, this great team asked Bryson to join their team half way through the year. Bryson didn't play a ton in the games (because he was the eight man and came on late in the season), but he learned a lot and I even caught him doing a fancy behind-the-back dribble in one of the games.
What I'm most proud of, though, isn't how he played the game, but how he treated his teammates, coaches, and opponents. I observed him being respectful to others both on and off the court. AND, (this is what makes me spread out my feathers a little) both his coaches and a few other parents told me how impressed they were by his positive attitude, even when I wasn't there. I love getting good reports about my kids! Makes me feel like I'm doing something right at home! :)
So... Good game, Bryson! You learned that it isn't whether you win or loose, but how you act when you play the game that counts.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believed you forgot to sign him up!!!! But at least you have some good kids! Wish I could live closer to see him play, and whoop it up on him:)
