Thursday, June 30, 2011

Two things....

There are a few things that I just don't understand.  Like, why can I NEVER find a pair of fingernail clippers when I need them?  I swear that we have at least 8 pair in our home.....somewhere, but I can never find them, so my kids always have the longest fingernails.............. until they drive me crazy.  Then I look madly through the house - in drawers, couches, corners, closets, and anywhere else for one lousy pair of fingernail clippers.  I have been known to run to Broulim's or the gas station at 10:00 at night to buy a new pair if I can't find some that I have already.  That's why I know that I have at least 8 pair here!

OK - One more thing....where do all of those socks go?????  We wear the socks, put them into the hamper, wash the socks, dry the socks, then fold them, only to find that half of the socks in that dryer have no match!  It drives me crazy!  I cannot figure out where those socks could be!  I have an overflowing basket of single, lonely socks with no match.  Now the problem is:  what do I do with all of those socks?  Do I save them for crafts?  We all know that nothing will happen with that!  Do I throw them away?  But, what if I find the mate?  Last year when school started, I brought all of my mismatched socks to school for whiteboard erasers.  The kids thought it was so gross that I made them use my husbands old, dirty socks.

Who knows.....those socks and the a-wall fingernail clippers.  I personally think I may have a menacing ghost following me, making me crazy.  I do know, though, that I could save so much time if things would stay put, and that I would remember where I put them!

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